(The Italian national agency for the accreditation of certification and inspection bodies and testing laboratories).
EU Regulations and Directives
Within the scope of CPR, GAR, RED, LIFT, ATEX, EMC, BED, MD, MID and EETS, IMQ’s recognition as a notified body is subject to accreditation by Accredia, as indicated in the in the applicable Accreditation certificates issued by Accredia.
IMQ is recognised by AGA (Australian Gas Association ) to operate as a testing laboratory for gas appliances for cooking (domestic and professional) and heating, and the components thereof.
IMQ is recognised by ASEFA as a testing laboratory for testing charging stations for electric vehicles, and plugs and sockets for charging electric vehicles, for the purposes of issuing the EV Ready mark.
IMQ is recognized by the Civil Defense of the Civil Defence of United Arab Emirates of of Qatar and Oman as a "testing laboratory and approved certification body" for the purpose of obtaining the Certificate of Conformity necessary for the export of regulated products.
FCC - Federal Communications Commission - (USA)
IMQ is recognised by the FCC to operate as a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) recognised under decision No. 33/2005 pursuant to the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) between the European Union and the United States of America dated 16 February 2006.
GCC Accreditation Center (GAC)
IMQ is a Certification Body recognised by GAC and GSO to issue the G-MARK on low-voltage electrical appliances and components in the Gulf States.
IMQ is a recognised testing laboratory for the purposes of issuing the Eurovent mark.
IECEE - Worldwide System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Electrotechnical Equipment and Components
IMQ is a certification body and testing laboratory recognised by IECEE to issue CB certificates.
IECEx - International Electrotechnical Commission System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres
IMQ is a certification body and testing laboratory recognised by IECEx to issue ExCB certificates and ExTR test reports.
recognised as a certification body to issue the INCERT mark for anti-intrusion products.
IMQ’s Milan and Bollate laboratories are recognised as 3M Open-Air Test Sites.
IMQ is recognised as a certification body within the scope of the Low Voltage Agreement (LOVAG).
IMQ is recognised as an Authorised Auditing Organisation for MDSAP (Medical Device Single Audit Program) .
SAAS (Social Accountability Accreditation Services)
IMQ can issue SA8000 certification under the aegis of IQNet Ltd, the certification division of IQNet (International Certification Network); IQNet Ltd is accredited by SAAS (Social Accountability Accreditation Services) for the SA8000 scheme.
IMQ is recognised by SAI Global to operate as a testing laboratory for gas appliances for cooking (domestic and professional) and heating, and the components thereof.
IMQ is a testing laboratory recognised by the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board (SPRING Singapore) for testing carried out at its San Vendemiano site in the province of Treviso.
ZLs (Germania)
IMQ is authorised by the German body ZLs to issue IMQ GS certificates for electrical material and electric hand tools; these certificates entitle manufacturers to affix the GS mark.