All complaints received by IMQ are processed according to a documented internal procedure, uniquely coded, recorded and tracked.
Following the receipt of a complaint, IMQ answer to the complainant to confirm that the this one has been taken into account or to indicate that the complaint does not relate to activities for which IMQ can be held liable (as it is outside its competence).
If the complaint relates to activities under the responsibility of IMQ, the subject of the complaint is analyzed in order to collect and verify all the information necessary to understand the reasons, define the actions to deal with it, and implement them in due time.
If the complaint concerns a customer certified by IMQ (organization, product, person), the examination of the complaint takes into account the effectiveness of the certification issued. Any complaint concerning a certified customer is also reported by IMQ to the certified customer.
If the handling of a specific complaint takes longer than expected, IMQ provides the complainant with information about the progress of the relevant actions.
The final decision on the closure of a complaint is taken by different IMQ staff than the persons involved in the subject matter of the complaint and this decision is finally communicated to the complainant.