IMQ is one of Europe’s top players in the field of conformity assessment.

Backed by almost 70 years of operation, we are the ideal partner for companies, organisations and professionals who want to dial up their value by testing and certifying the safety, quality and performance of their work and their products.

In the EMC and RED sector, IMQ supports progress and innovation by acting as an innovative technological hub,

with a team of qualified technicians who verify electromagnetic compatibility, wireless functionality and interoperability, but also aspects of cyber security.

All this to verify the operation, performance and safety requirements of smart systems and interconnected products, in order to ensure a correct, efficient, reliable and secure exchange of data and information.



Our EMC&RED technology hub is capable of testing for all the necessary requirements for interconnected systems and products,to ensure their safety and that the communications between them are appropriate, efficient, reliable and secure. We guarantee experienced technicians and cutting-edge equipment to make sure every product works properly and safely. Real-life test environments to check that the communication and interoperability protocols are always put in place.



IMQ also provides an accelerated ageing test service for electronic products, using the latest innovative test procedures to improve product reliability. The test techniques are based on simulating conditions that exceed normal operating conditions by a considerable margin. Two distinct test procedures in particular are gaining increasing recognition for their effectiveness: HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Test) and HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screen). These methods enable you to expose equipment to a combination of climatic and mechanical stress, in extreme conditions in terms of vibration, temperature and rapid changes in temperature, so as to highlight any imperfections quickly.



  • Flexibility Without Penalties: We eliminate the risk of additional costs in case of delays, giving you greater peace of mind in supplier management.
  • Weekly Updates: With our weekly updates, you will always have complete control over the progress of the tests, facilitating internal planning.
  • Savings from Remote Services: Our ability to offer remote services translates into time and cost savings, enhancing overall project efficiency.
  • Rapid Intervention with Detailed Reporting: Thanks to our periodic reports, you can immediately address non-conformities, maintaining a high quality level for your products.
  • Rapid Authority and Technological Expertise: Recognized expertise and advanced technical skills in the industry.



  • AUTOMOTIVE FULL VEHICLES: CISPR 12 /22 /25 /32 /36, CISPR 16-2-1, ISO 11451-1 /2 /4, ISO 10605, IEC 61000-3-2 /12, IEC 61000-3-3 /11, IEC 61000-4-4 /5
  • AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS: CISPR 25, ISO 11452-1 /2 /4 /5 /8 /9 /11, ISO 7637-2, ISO 7637-3, ISO 7637-4, IS0 16750, ISO 10605, ETSI 301 489-xx, ETSI 300 220/330/440, ETSI 300 328, ETSI 301 908, ETSI 303 413
  • OTHER PRODUCTS: CISPR 16, CISPR 32, CISPR 15, CISPR 14, IEC 61000-4-2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -8 -9 -11, ETSI 301 489-xx, ETSI 300 220/330/440, ETSI 300 328, ETSI 301 908, ETSI 303 413, FCC


  • - Radiated Electric (9kHz – 18GHz)
  • - Radiated Magnetic (10Hz-30MHz, ICNIRP)
  • - Stripline (up to 1GHz)
  • - Conducted Voltage, Current
  • - Conducted Transient



  • - Radiated ALSE (200MHz-6GHz up to 300V/m)
  • - Conducted RF (100kHz-230MHz)
  • - Reverberation (200MHz-6GHz 500V/m)
  • - Magnetic Immunity
  • - Pulses on power supply and signal lines
  • - ESD - AM-FM-DAB-SDARS Radio Listening Test (on board receivers)
  • - Bulk current injection (100kHz-1GHz up to 300mA)
  • - Stripline (10kHz – 1GHz up to 300V/m)
  • - Portable transmitter

EE TESTS: - LV 80V - 200A - HV 300V





- 3 & 10 Meters: testing distance

- Immunity Test Frequency: from 10 kHz to 6000 MHz

- Checks of Issue Frequency: from 10 Hz to 40 GHz



Immunity Test Frequency: from 200 MHz to 6000 MHz

Management system certification is the endorsement enjoyed by organisations that have chosen to equip themselves with efficient management systems and suitable skills and structures, aimed at continuous improvement. And the higher the prestige of the awarding body, the higher the value of the guarantee. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, our laboratories have full capability to put products through all the checks required by the major European directives and international standards. The certifications issued by IMQ are synonymous with trust. They guarantee safety, performance, efficiency and quality standards. More than 10,000 companies have turned to IMQ to certify their products and stand out on the market. Notified body for the main EU directives, IMQ offers tests and CE certifications to assess the conformity of the products to the requirements required to be marketed on the European market. Inspections and audits validate the conformity of electrical installations, equipment, supplies and services with the applicable technical and legislative specifications. IMQ services add value and enhance brand image by distinguishing organisations that have invested properly in safety and quality. They are internationally recognised, managed by expert personnel and constantly updated, on the strength of IMQ’s membership of the main working groups on international standards. From the market’s point of view, IMQ services testify to the transparency and reliability of the organisations that choose them. And they cut time to market.