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To find out more about IMQ Group and services for e-vehicle sector, below you can find the download link to our video and leaflet



  Watch IMQ high-tech hub for smart devices video - 10m semianechoic chamber


  Watch IMQ Group corporate video



-  IMQ Group: hi-tech hub for testing e-Mobily (Battery Systems, EV Vehicle, Charging Stations) (CSI an IMQ Group Company)

EMC test services   (IMQ)

10 metres semianechoic chamber - measurement services (IT)   (IMQ)

Software security by design services   (IMQ Minded Security an IMQ Group Company)

- Electric vehicle charging stations services (IT)  (IMQ)

- Testing and certification of sockets and plugs for charging electric vehicles   (IMQ)

- EV Ready certification   (IMQ)

Certification of technicians of hybrid and electric vehicles (IMQ-TECVIE scheme) (IT)  (IMQ)




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