Installation company certifications

IMQ’s installation company certifications are intended to give stakeholders full confidence that the certified business:

  • operates in a proper professional manner, in accordance with the applicable standards and legislation;
  • uses certified personnel, in sufficient in numbers to cover the workload it takes on, with the aid of subcontractors if appropriate;
  • has a suitable structure (tools, equipment, vehicles, etc.) to ensure that it carries out its work properly;
  • uses appropriate procedures and instructions to control and coordinate the work it does.

Installation company certification is a usually voluntary and issued in accordance with the technical standards and other documents and regulations applicable to the business in question. In certain sectors, however, the law requires companies to hold certifications issued by accredited conformity assessment bodies. For example, this applies to companies that work with equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-Gases).

Find out more about IMQ installation company certifications

  • Companies that install, repair, maintain, support or dismantle fixed refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, fixed heat pumps and fire suppression equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases (Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2067 and Regulation (EC) 304/2008);
  • Companies that design, install, maintain and repair intruder alarm and video surveillance systems (IMQ-AIRVIDEO certification);
  • Companies that design, install, maintain and repair automatic and manual fire-detection and audio evacuation systems (IMQ-AIE certification);
    The specific certification process for each scheme is described in the relevant special requirements on

Why opt for certification from IMQ?

  • Leading conformity assessment body
  •  ACCREDIA accredited service certification body pursuant to UNI CEI EN/ISO/IEC ISO 17065
  •  Extensive experience in company certification.
Management system certification is the endorsement enjoyed by organisations that have chosen to equip themselves with efficient management systems and suitable skills and structures, aimed at continuous improvement. And the higher the prestige of the awarding body, the higher the value of the guarantee. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, our laboratories have full capability to put products through all the checks required by the major European directives and international standards. The certifications issued by IMQ are synonymous with trust. They guarantee safety, performance, efficiency and quality standards. More than 10,000 companies have turned to IMQ to certify their products and stand out on the market. Notified body for the main EU directives, IMQ offers tests and CE certifications to assess the conformity of the products to the requirements required to be marketed on the European market. Inspections and audits validate the conformity of electrical installations, equipment, supplies and services with the applicable technical and legislative specifications.